Title: Boystown
Author: Jake Biondi
Genre: M/F & M/M Romance
Hosted By: Book Promotions by Literary Nook
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The Story BOYSTOWN is the continuing story of several couples living in Chicago's famed BOYSTOWN neighborhood (recently named the country's "most incomparable gay neighborhood" by readers of OUT Traveler Magazine and users of its website).
The Mancini brothers -- as well as their friends and significant others -- are at the core of BOYSTOWN.
Emmett Mancini, the youngest of the brothers, is a bright, caring guy whose boyfriend Keith Colgan has a past Emmett knows little about...yet.
Derek Mancini, and his wife Joyelle, are BOYSTOWN's straight couple...but a recent encounter with hunky Cole O'Brien could have life-altering consequences for Derek.
And Justin Mancini, the oldest brother, arrives in BOYSTOWN in episode 9 and brings with him a family history that both Emmett and Derek were hoping to forget.
Before long, BOYSTOWN's newest residents Cole O'Brien and Jesse Morgan find themselves at the core of the drama and intrigue that makes up this adult playground.
The History BOYSTOWN has a very interesting history.
Late last Spring, I started to toss around in my head the idea of writing a continuing drama that focused on gay characters.
I considered some ideas for characters and storylines.
Then I finally began actually writing BOYSTOWN in June of 2013 as an online story and intended to release one "episode" online per month, each ending in a cliffhanger.
The story became so popular -- and the online reading audience grew so quickly -- that people from all over the country began to email me demanding to know what happened to their favorite characters and wanting the episodes to be released faster.
They also had suggestions for future storylines!
I was surprised and excited by the readers' response to BOYSTOWN and began to write and release installments more quickly.
By November, I had released 10 episodes and the reading audience had expanded well beyond the borders of America.
Because of BOYSTOWN's huge success online and the serialized nature of my writing, readers from all over the globe have been able to correspond with me and influence the storylines of the BOYSTOWN saga as I write it.
It's really exciting to interact with fans in this way.
I think it's something very unique to BOYSTOWN.
Readers also suggested that I publish the first 10 episodes as a book rather than leaving them online.
I took their advice -- and “BOYSTOWN Season One” was published in late November.
The book is selling very well locally and nationally.
In the meantime, I have continued to write additional episodes.
Episodes 11 - 20 will be released this Spring as “BOYSTOWN Season Two.”
The books are available in local bookstores as well as on amazon.com, bn.com, and through my website www.JakeBiondi.com.
Fans of BOYSTOWN are the best; they are very dedicated.
One fan from Massachusetts loves the book so much that she organized an "online book tour" with 20 bloggers from all over the country to promote BOYSTOWN -- all on her own.
Another reader has created social media accounts to help with promotion. I'm really humbled by and grateful for the kindness and generosity of my readers.
As I have been working on Episodes 11 - 20, I have "leaked" them to some fans of the series to get their responses and input.
I love this interactive creative process with my fans.
The Future I think readers really like that BOYSTOWN is written like a TV series.
It moves quickly and keeps people on the edges of their seats!
And now the BOYSTOWN team is working to bring BOYSTOWN to television or the internet.
When my friend Aaron Savvy, who is a model, personal trainer, and actor living in Los Angeles, read the book, he called me right away and said, "We have to get this made into a TV series."
What's interesting is that I created one of the characters with Aaron in mind, but I didn't tell him which character until after he read the book.
Luckily, he identified the character right away and has been working ever since to promote the book and bring it to people in the entertainment industry who may be interested in bringing it to television or the internet.
Aaron appears on the cover of the book.
Then actor Billy Santoro became interested in the project as well.
Billy expressed an interest in playing one of the characters and has also been working hard to get the book into the hands of entertainment executives.
In the process, we have become good friends, which has been great.
He has been so proactive about giving the book to directors and producers he knows.
Another actor, Boston Miles, first learned about BOYSTOWN when he saw people talking about it on Twitter and Facebook.
So he ordered a copy on his own and read it -- and then got in touch with me.
He immediately recognized the huge potential of the project and offered to assist me in any way he could.
So he is also promoting the book and interested in appearing in the television version.
Most recently, I was excited to welcome actor DeMarco Majors onto the BOYSTOWN team.
DeMarco is a phenomenal guy who also realized the potential for BOYSTOWN and has already been in contact with producers, directors, managers, and other actors to make the dream of turning BOSTOWN into a series a reality.
He has such a great sense of "vision" and really pushes me to consider things from a variety of points of view.
Things are moving very quickly and I am really excited.
All of this has happened in less than 8 months…and the future of BOYSTOWN will surely be a bright one.
Ben and Jacqueline
Later that evening, after her shopping spree, Jacqueline was sitting at the bar in the first floor lounge of her hotel. She was having a martini and talking occasionally to the bartender. Mostly, she was just taking in the scene and relaxing after her hectic day. “This one is good,” she told the bartender about her martini. “Like it better than the first one?” he asked. “I thought you might.” “Yes, but they are strong,” she smiled. “Well, you get your money’s worth from me,” he joked. The bartender stepped away for a moment and Jacqueline pulled Max’s business card out of her pocket.
She stared at it for a while and finally took out her phone. She dialed Max’s cell number, but hesitated before pressing the “call” button. The bartender walked back over. “Not sure if you should call the guy, huh?” Jacqueline smiled. “How did you know?” “Happens often at the bar this time of night,” the bartender smiled. “My advice? If you’re not completely sure, don’t do it.” Jacqueline smiled and then put her phone and Max’s business card into her purse. “You’re probably right. Thanks.” “That’s what bartenders are for.” He smiled and stepped away to greet a man who was sitting down at the bar, several seats away from Jacqueline. It was Ben Donovan, dressed handsomely in a suit and tie. He took his seat and ordered a Cosmopolitan from the bartender. As the bartender prepared the cocktail, Ben made eye contact with Jacqueline. She smiled, then looked away.
“Thanks,” Ben told the bartender, handing him a credit card. “I’ll start a tab.” The bartender took the card and walked back to his cash register. Then he went back over to Jacqueline. “So you’re in town for a few days?” the bartender asked. “Yes,” Jacqueline replied. “Long weekend with my son. He’s out with a friend tonight. I figured I’d call it an early night. Especially after these martinis you’ve made me.” Ben got up and walked over to Jacqueline. “Not too early, I hope.” Jacqueline smiled. “Mind if I sit down?” “Go right ahead,” Jacqueline said. She was intrigued by the sexy stranger. “I’m Shawn,” Ben lied, as he extended his hand to Jacqueline. “Hello, Shawn. I’m Jacqueline. It’s nice to meet you.” Jacqueline turned on her stool to face Ben, who sat down and faced her.
“Pleasure’s mine,” Ben said. “Are you visiting from out of town? I overheard you talking to the bartender.” “Yes,” Jacqueline smiled. “I’m in town for the weekend. With my son.” “Excellent. Great time of year to visit Chicago.” Jacqueline finished her drink and Ben signaled to the bartender. “Let me get another for my friend here.” “Oh no, I shouldn’t,” Jacqueline said. “Aw come on. Have a drink with me. I’m enjoying talking to you,” Ben smiled as he indicated to the bartender to bring Jacqueline another drink. “Well, okay. But just one more,” Jacqueline said. “Whatever you say,” Ben smiled. The bartender put Jacqueline’s fresh drink on the bar in front of her. Then Ben and she lifted their glasses and touched them together.
Author Bio:
Growing up in the suburbs of Chicago, Jake Biondi fell in love with "The Windy City" at an early age. He left the Chicago area for four years to attend the University of Notre Dame, from which he graduated with degrees in English and Business.
He was awarded the university’s prestigious William Mitchell Award for Playwriting. Upon graduating from Notre Dame, Biondi returned to Chicago where he attended and graduated from the Loyola University Chicago School of Law.
He has been living in Chicago's Boystown neighborhood for over 20 years. While studying literature, Biondi became a huge fan of Charles Dickens whose novels were originally released in installments, each ending in a cliffhanger to keep readers coming back for more.
Because of his love of those novels as well as television dramas such as Dynasty, Knots Landing, Dallas, and Revenge, Jake Biondi decided to create a serialized saga for contemporary audiences. Thus, BOYSTOWN was born.
Biondi began BOYSTOWN in June of 2013 as an online story and intended to release one "episode" online per month, each ending in a cliffhanger. The story became so popular -- and the online reading audience grew so quickly -- that people from all over the country began to email him demanding to know what happened to their favorite characters and wanting the episodes to be released faster.
They also had suggestions for future storylines! Biondi was surprised and excited by the readers' response to BOYSTOWN and began to write and release installments more quickly. By November, Biondi had released 10 episodes and his reading audience had expanded well beyond the borders of America. Because of BOYSTOWN's huge success online and the serialized nature of Biondi's writing, readers from all over the globe have been able to correspond with Biondi and influence the storylines of the BOYSTOWN saga as Biondi writes it.
Readers also suggested that Biondi publish the first 10 episodes as a book rather than leaving them online. He took their advice -- and “BOYSTOWN Season One” was published in late November. The book is selling very well locally and nationally.
In the meantime, Biondi has continued to write additional episodes. Episodes 11 - 20 will be released this Spring as “BOYSTOWN Season Two.” Because of the popularity of the book, people have suggested that BOYSTOWN be turned into a television series. Biondi has begun to reach out to television networks and producers -- and their response has been very positive.
Working with actors and other professionals in the entertainment industry, Biondi hopes to bring BOYSTOWN to television in the near future.
Social Links:
Website: http://www.jakebiondi.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/BOYSTOWN_series
Instagram: boystowntheseries
One $10 Amazon Gift Card and 2 ebook copies of Boystown
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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