Book Title: The Light in the Wound
Author: Christine Brae
Genre: Contemporary Romance Fiction
Release date: July 23, 2013
Book Summary:
Affected by her parents’ highly publicized divorce, Isabel grows up isolated and alone, with a resolve to never fall in love and repeat their mistakes.
When Jesse Cain enters her life, she falls hopelessly in love with him, and every sadness she’s ever felt is washed away by his intensity and passion. But people change as they grow up. Things can never stay the same forever.
Jesse and Isabel fight to stay together, determined to hold on to what they once had. Isabel wonders if a second love can ever be enough to make her forget her first.
My Review
5 of 5 Light In The Wound
The Light in the Wound is an amazing read! Lord I have read a ton of books in my lifetime but never ever have I ever been so slammed in the heart by a book. This book I could relate to it is my life and as I was reading it I was totally there reliving things I have done and said and been through for the past twenty years. I laughed and I cried and I screamed at my kindle and at one point I just thought I was not going to be able to finish it because it struck a nerve but I read on and believe me Issy has a better ending than I do so I was so happy about that.
We meet Isabel whose parents are going through a very nasty publicized divorce. As a result of this pending divorce Issy is sent away to boarding schools and her grandparents home and back. It is when she is finally back home that she enrolls in school and meets Jesse. She has sworn off any kind of love because she does not want to end up like her parents and she does not want to suffer any more loss. So when she and Jesse get close and she falls for him she is surprised because she sworn off love. But Jesse is different and he loves Issy and Issy is head over heels in love with him.
But then things change and Jesse becomes controlling and starts to take things from her like her new friends and her ability to make decisions. Jesse even goes so far as to take the one love and passion she has and that is horse back riding. Jesse turns out to be a selfish controlling bastard and he takes over Issy's life. Jesse pays attention to her when he sees fit and gives her whatever he wants to and when he feels like being rude he is to Issy. The only person he has not run off is Issy's friend Alex.
Lord I love Alex because he is what a true boy/man should be. Alex loves Issy and he is willing to wait for her to open up her eyes and see what she has right in front of her. So when Issy has had enough and Jesse has pushed her to the point she breaks it off with him. She and Alex then start to build a stronger friendship that turns to love but Issy is closed off and only going through the motions to get over Jesse. She still loves Jesse and if he would take her back she would go to him.
Issy and Alex have a long battle ahead of them because Jesse has had an epiphany and wants Issy back and ALex is about to fight to the death for the girl he loves. Will Issy turn her back on ALex and go back to Jesse? Will Alex be able to keep Issy and gain her heart? This book is such a roller coaster of emotions that you will need a box of tissues for this one!
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The trip to the airport took about 45 minutes—enough time to transform my outfit and freshen up for him. Once we got to the airport, we didn't have to wait at all. He was standing outside in a gray suit with a white button down shirt, already unbuttoned due to the heat. Bernard waved at him and he stepped up to the right side of the door to get in.
"Hi," I said shyly.
"Hi, baby. Wow. You look amazing, as always."
The blazer had come off and the four-inch leopard print shoes were on. The skirt looked much shorter on me without the blazer. I slid toward him as he grabbed me and placed me on top of his lap.
"Happy Anniversary," he whispered sensually into my ear. His nose traced a line from my jaw to my neck and his fingers softly rubbed the inside of my thigh.
I giggled nervously. His touch felt so good, so safe.
"One month down, 959 more to go," he groaned, his hands now on my back, pulling me close.
"That's 80 years, A."
"I'm in love with a math genius."
Fan trailer made by Janna Mashburn
Once during our freshman year, Jesse called and asked me to meet him on the baseball field late one evening after school. I automatically assumed that he wanted me to watch him practice, something I would often do when I didn't have much homework to finish. As I walked across the newly shaved grass, I wondered where he could be. It worried me a bit to see no one there. The grounds were dark, except for a faded lamppost illuminating the walkways. The night was hot and humid, so I dressed in shorts for the occasion, fully expecting to be sitting on a bench watching Jesse play. He popped out of nowhere, just as I was about to walk up the steps toward the stands.
"Hi," I said, as I looked around the field. "Am I late? Did I get the practice time wrong?"
"Nope," he answered with a grin. "Practice ended an hour ago."
"Oh. Am I here to pick you up?" I asked, still confused.
"I thought we'd play on the field for a bit," he said as he took my hand and led me further in toward the bases. He had his pitching glove on and carried a bat in his right hand.
"Play what, Jess? You know I don't know anything about this game!" I laughed incredulously.
"Yes, you do! You've been watching me do this for almost three years! I thought it would be fun to watch you swing a bat," he coaxed. "Come on, you'll do great, I promise. Here, wear these so you don't hurt your hands." He fished into his pockets and handed me some batting gloves. I wiggled my fingers to make sure that they were still in there. They were twice the size of my hands. He looked delighted and enamored with me all at the same time. "You look so cute. Come here," he ordered as he pulled me in for a hug. Seconds later, he handed me the bat and then walked backwards until he was a few feet away from me.
"This is heavy!" I said, as I lifted the bat and mockingly took on the stance—both knees bent, two hands on the bat.
"Issy baby, you're gonna fall over if you lean like that." He laughed. "This isn't tennis. Keep one foot in front of you, turn your body to face me. Now just relax and swing when I pitch, ok?"
"Like this?" I breathed, as I stuck my leg out and swiveled my hips.
"If you keep that up, we'll be swinging something else," he teased.
Five empty swings later, I finally hit the ball. It didn't go very far, but I whooped and he whooped and I ran twice around the bases. It didn't take much effort for him to pursue me as soon as he caught the ball. I hit the ball two more times until he chased me down and lifted me off the ground.
"Jess!" I panted, as he swooped me in his arms. "That was hard work! What do I get for doing this?" I flirted.
"Me," he responded, as I wrapped my arms and legs around him.
"I'll take that," I whispered, and with a tender kiss, I gave him permission to carry me back to the dugout.

About Christine:
I love to read, write about reading, shop, write about shopping, three day weekends, high heels and purses. I’m a wife, a mother, a corporate executive, a loyal friend and a passionate believer in true love. This is all you need to know about me. If you get my stories, you get my heart.
“Thank you, baby,” he whispered, as he reached across the table to take my hand. We were dining at our favorite restaurant one night after a late meeting.
“For what?” I lovingly rubbed my thumb on his wrist.
“For being here with me.”
I was so engrossed in the conversation going on behind me that I didn’t respond.
“What?” He chuckled as he caught me smiling at him from across the booth.
“Nothing. These women right behind me are talking about you. The one facing you is gushing,” I whispered, amused.
This had become an acceptable fact of dating Alex. Even before you saw his face, there was no use hiding his body under anything he wore. His clothes just hung on him so perfectly, like a runway model. That night, he wore a white casual button down shirt over low-slung distressed jeans that had the perfect flair to match his canvas designer sneakers. His short hair showcased his perfect jaw, his full lips, his round blue eyes. His clean cut look was tempered by the stubble that lined his jaw and his chin.
“Come sit by me, please. You feel so far away.” His eyes were dancing like little blue lights on a Christmas tree. I stood up, walked around and slid into the booth with him. It was like he gave me his consent to claim my territory. He leaned against me, closing the gap between us as his mouth skimmed my earlobe.
“Much better,” he murmured. “You know, I don’t care about anyone else but you.”
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