"Home is where his heart is once he recognizes what s in his heart."
Broken in body, mind and spirit after a botched mission in Kuwait, elite Special Forces operative Jack Dresden returns to Devotion, Georgia, both dreading and longing to face his past. He left town on the receiving end of a wicked right hook thrown by the only person who ever made him feel he was right where he belonged.
Dillon Bluff was never good at pretending. Coming out right after high school, it hasn't been easy dealing with the stigma of being gay in a small, Southern town. When he stumbles across Jack in the throes of a panic attack, one touch reignites the smoldering, hidden torch he's always carried for his former best friend.
Jack knows he's messed up, and the last thing he wants to do is hurt Dillon again. But Dillon is determined to take control and show Jack's heart the way back home.
Warning: Contains a sexy, scarred Delta Force hero with the hots for his tattooed photojournalist prone-to-skinny-dipping ex-best friend. Threats of creative rope use and plenty of manly loving may leave the reader craving a cigarette and a man in uniform.
My Review
5 of 5 Homecoming Jack & Dillon
Happy Release Day! I am so happy I was able to read this book by Meredith because I have found a genre I am loving. I am fairly new to the M/M genre but every book I have read thus far has totally blown me off my feet and then some. This short novella had me wanting no that is not right needing more because love is a funny thing and you don't get to chose who you love because the heart wants what the heart wants and it will get it or break in the process.
Jack and Dillon are best friends. They grew up together and Jack even dated Dillon's sister. But something in Jack made him decide to follow in his fathers foot steps and go into the army. Plus he was running from something or rather someone and he decided going into the army would be good for him. He joins the elite team Delta Force and stays away from home for ten years.
While on a mission he is captured and tortured and when he is rescued he is sent home to get some rest and relaxation before his next mission. When he arrives home he knows he does not want to be there because he left all those years ago for a reason and no matter what happens he needs to stay away from that person but as luck would have it there is no way Jack and the other person will stay away from each.
But first things first truths will have to be revealed and lies will have to be corrected before Jack can have the one person he has always wanted..........
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Today on Kaidans Seduction we have a very special surprise. Today we have on Meredith Daniels author of Homecoming Southern Honor Series and today is her release day. I am so happy to have you on. As many of you know I have found the light by that I mean I have found another genre I can’t live without and that is M/M. Readers let me tell you with Homecoming even though it is a novella I need more of the boys. I love love love Jack & Dillon.
Meredith thanks for taking time out of your busy release day schedule to come share some love and share some Dillon & Jack love!
*****Thank you so much for having me!
1. What inspired you to write the Southern Series?
I had just gotten done writing a really upbeat contemporary romance and wanted to try something a little different. I got to thinking about how wounded service men put their lives back together after they've been put through the rigors of war. I wanted to give these broken men a little hope in their lives and something that grounded them after their trauma. What better way to do this than to have them find the one person that can love them with all their flaws.
2. How many books will be in the series?
Not sure yet. Right now I have four books plotted, but who knows! The sky's the limit!
3. Will they all be novellas or actual books that follow each character?
The next book is much longer. I tend to write as much or as little as the characters let me. I will tell you this, Jack and Dillon will get a much longer story when their turn rolls around again. They have a few things to settle.
4. Will one of the characters come from a military background?
Each book features a man with a military background. In book two we meet Philip 'Roc' Rockland a member of Jack's Delta squadron who was injured in the mission to rescue Jack. There will be other branches of the military involved in other books. I've been playing with the idea of an injured Apache pilot and a Navy Seal or two....All elite, all a little broken.
5. Can you tell us a few things about Jack & Dillon
Jack and Dillon were best friends. One look at Dillon their freshman year of high school and Jack knew he'd found his lifeline. He may have been the one standing up for the small boy in school, but it was Dillon who kept Jack's head above water in a home where the drive for perfection was overwhelming. When Jack left town he didn't want to leave with any attachments. He never planned on coming back permanently and the thought of telling Dillon who he really was was more frightening than never talking to the other man again. But their mutual attraction can't be denied when Jack returns to Devotion, Georgia a changed man.
6. How does Jack’s father feel about him being with Dillon?
Let's just say ignorance is bliss. Jack's father's feelings are something Jack and Dillon must come face to face with in their next book.
7. Does Jack go back into the Military to finish his tour duty?
Jack has a few issues to work out before he's able to return to active duty. His desire to return to his unit and the dangerous missions cause a bit of tension between him and Dillon. All to be explored later. ;)
8. Will we see more of Jack & Dillon?
Absolutely! Jack and Dillon make a guest appearance in book two AND did I mention they're getting another story? ;)
9. When does the next book come out and who is it about?
The release date of the next book is still TBA. Like I mentioned in Q4, book two is about Philip 'Roc' Rockland, a fellow Delta operative, and a feisty “Yankee” attorney, Gabriel Gonzalez-Franklin.
10. Can you tell us three secrets about Jack & Dillon?
Jack and Dillon weren't supposed to be “Jack and Dillon”. When I set out to write the story it was supposed to be Jack and Stacy, but one paragraph in I knew there was only one person for Jack and that was his former best friend.
Just because you see Dillon take the lead in HOMECOMING that doesn't mean Jack's not 100% alpha male and willing to show it.
Dillon has a tattoo on his left arm that he got to remind him of Jack.
Meredith once again thank you for stopping by on your release date! We love Jack & Dillon and can’t wait to read more.

Dillon Bluff

Dillon & Jack

Jack Dresden
Jack didn’t know what prompted him to reach across the table and take Dillon’s hand in his. It could have been the stark loss he saw in the brown depths of his eyes. More than likely, it was the overpowering need to feel the other man’s skin against his that had assaulted him almost as soon as he’d walked through the diner door.
Countless nights this man had haunted his dreams and countless nights Jack had to force himself to remember Dillon Bluff hated him. Would probably hate him even more if he gave in to the desire thrumming its way through his bloodstream to pull the smaller man over the table and take his mouth in a kiss that would wipe any memory of anyone but himself ever being there.
God, he was losing it. Edna’s return with their lunch gave him the space from his thoughts, he needed to breathe and get his thoughts in order. He tucked into the juicy burger in front of him, determined to ignore the heat still radiating from his palm.
Dillon had made his opinion of him very clear ten years ago. Conveyed rather nicely with his lethal right hook. He had surprised Jack saying he owed him an apology. If anyone needed to say they were sorry, it was Jack. He had led Stacy on for years. Left her thinking they had a future. He had tried to sneak out of town without saying goodbye to the man who made him feel alive. He was chicken shit and he knew it. All he had to do was get through this lunch and the party tomorrow night and he would probably never see Dillon again. Jack had survived the worst kinds of torture. Surely he could keep a handle on his lust for forty-eight hours?
He tried to pay attention to Stacy as she updated him on all the happenings around Devotion. He couldn’t stop himself from looking across the table at Dillon. He fought a smile as he watched the other man mop up burger juices with his fries. He followed the french fry’s journey to lips that had left him a quaking mess ten years ago. When Dillon’s pink tongue peeked out and dabbed at the corner of his mouth, he had to pinch his thigh to hold in the moan of longing.
“So what do you think?” Stacy’s question had him stuttering back to reality. Leaving behind the world where he traced the delicate lines of the colorful tattoos covering Dillon’s arms with sharp nips and soothing kisses.
He tried to hide his scowl at the direction his thoughts had wandered down and turned to the woman next to him. “I’m sorry?”
“I was saying that we need to get together after the party tomorrow.” She winked at him. “How long are you in town?”
“Six weeks.” He tried not to growl the answer but he could feel Dillon watching him. His entire body seemed to be in tune to Dillon’s and that was the last thing he needed. There was no way he was going to make it through another meal with the man without giving the whole restaurant a show he doubted any of them truly wanted to see.
“That settles it then.” Stacy grabbed his arm and squeezed. Across the table, Dillon tensed. “We can’t let you spend the whole time squirreled away in that house.”
“He’s supposed to be recovering, Stacy.” He watched her brows crinkle in confusion before she shot her brother a quick look. Dillon was now studying him like he was assessing his fitness. Like he just remembered that he was here on medical leave and not to stay.
“He looks fit enough to me.”
“That’s because Jack Dresden only lets people see what he wants them to.”
Surprised, Jack held his gaze. What did he mean by that? Did Dillon suspect his feelings for him? It was hard to say because the only thing he found in the other man’s eyes was a banked fire. He wasn’t sure if it was flames of anger or something else.
The rest of their lunch was spent in near silence. Stacy tried a few times to break the two men out of their sulk, but it looked like her brother had said his peace and Jack sure as hell didn’t feel like digging himself any deeper. So Jack inhaled his burger which now held the appeal of cardboard and wondered when he could find a way out of there.
Just as he was about to make an excuse, the bell over the door jingled.

Always with a tale to tell, Meredith Daniels has been penning stories since she could put pen to paper. She has always found something magical about the journey of characters finding themselves and finding love worth fighting for. Living in Ohio with her husband and three children, she balances being a mother, wife, dark chocolate and coffee addict, all-round super cupcake baker while sneaking in as much writing time as possible.
Meredith loves to hear from readers and you can find her on Twitter at@meredith_d1
Great review and nice interview. Yummy pictures too!