Title: Tempting Danger
Series: The Pigg Detective Agency Set #1-3
Author: Melissa Keir
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 7, 2018
Three heroic Brothers who were born to protect and the women who are
more than their equals.
Protecting His Wolfe
Passion has a way of igniting when people are under stressful
situations, and lust leads Betsie Wolfe and Jonah Pigg into each other’s arms.
But is their relationship a matter of desire, or is it something more?
Protecting Her Pigg
Arson and fire bring Lucas Pigg and Lily O'Neill together, but their
passion for one another is dangerous. What will cause the most damage…the
arsonist bent on revenge or their own stubborn ways?
Protecting His Red
When Marcus Pigg decides to help Sharon Cape, he anticipates danger and
threats. But he never expected to find passion or love. Can they learn to trust
each other, or will their hearts pay the ultimate price?
Tempting Danger is the whole set of Pigg Detective
books, based loosely on The Three Little Pigs and all things wolves in fairy
Purchase Links:
$2.99 for release day ONLY!
Author Bio:
Melissa Keir has always wanted to be an author when she wasn’t hoping
for a career as a racecar driver. Her love of books was instilled by her mother
and grandparents who were avid readers. She’d often sneak books away from them
so that she could fantasize about those strong alpha males and plucky heroines.
Melissa doesn’t believe in down time. She’s always keeping busy.
Melissa is a wife and mother, an elementary school teacher, a movie reviewer
with WHMI (a local radio station), owner of a publishing company as well as an
author. Her home blends two families and is a lot like the Brady Bunch, without
Alice- a large grocery bill, tons of dirty dishes and a mound of laundry. She
loves to write stories that feature happy endings and is often seen plotting
her next story.
She’d love to hear from you!
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